Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Lessons Learned from 2 Year Olds...

Unencumbered by the world's standards, my children experience life FULLY.

Life is entertainment.

When they are joyful, the giggles and grins are enough to soften the hardest heart.

When they are frustrated, disappointed, grouchy...well, let's just say that is not hidden either.

They laugh, dance and sing with complete disregard for the "right words" or how they look. (When I am with them, it is such a relief to be able to behave the same way. They say, "Mommy, Silly!")

Coming to the dinner table dressed in various cousins' Halloween costumes of old is socially acceptable in their world.

Becoming a Baker, simply involves placing a cloth bag on your head.

Mundane things like trips to a car wash, grocery store or post office are adventures...and then there are those elevators!

Stickers, flashlights or rocks from the playground are treasures.

There is really not much in their life that a hug, kiss, band-aid, cookie or 'bad-da-wees' cannnot cure. And the exceptions to that rule are solved with a nice long nap.

When they tell God what they are thankful for, it is always the simple things...like "my dolly" or "my balloon."

Their last words at night are "I love you."

Lord, when the hours are long, the attitudes poor, the behavior unruly and the whininess seems unbearable...cause me to pause and remember that You gave us to each other. I am teaching them how we are to live in this world, but they are reminding me of the depth of love and the beauty of joy!


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM EDT

    Wonderfully and beautifully reflections of three most adorable blessings from Above.

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM EDT

    Your blog is the highlight of my day. Thank you for sharing your precious children with us. Your words are a great inspiration to many. My prayer is that all who read will seek to know your Lord. May God continue to bless you and your family. Keep up the good work!

  3. I love coming here, it always brings a smile to my face. Kate and Ryguy look so much alike. They all 3 are precious. I love each picture with each illustration.

  4. May we always be able to see the beauty in such simplicity. How lucky are we to live our lives with our children - experiencing all of this wonder for the very first time!

    A nice long nap - is definitely a cure to almost all of life's ills (at least in toddlerhood!)!!!

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM EDT

    At least now I don't feel so unmotherly when I remember the Thanksgiving dinner in Savannah when all the preteens and teenagers ate dinner with cloth napkins tied around their head

  6. This really hit home with me today! I had a bad morning with running out of patients & getting really frustrated. One of those mornings where you just need to step away and take a deep breath. Thanks so much for this perspective! Nicole

  7. Anonymous6:37 PM EDT

    Can I just say that Kate looks A LOT like me in that picture. Something about her eyes and those eyebrows.

    Give them kisses for me.

    Aunt Boo

  8. I've loved reading your blog over the last several months! It has been so fun to see your three growing up and turning into "kids," from babies! Your wisdom and sweet insights make this one of my favorites to read:)

    (I just wish I could convince my three to nap at the same time, so I could actually keep up with blogging better!)

  9. Wow, that made me really stop and think this morning! Thanks : )


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