Tuesday, November 21, 2017

That's from Dad

My son Parker is a sensitive and emotionally intelligent young man. He is physically affectionate, charming and caring. Even at 13 years old, he runs to hug my husband with a huge grin when he arrives home from work. He is also always the last child out of my car in the morning during school drop off. Every single morning Parker exits the car with a warm goodbye then stops and looks back after 2-3 steps with a verbal "I love you, Mom," or a sign language version accompanied by a warm smile and a wink.

A couple of months ago he saw a wedding day photo of my husband kissing me on my forehead. I mentioned that the tender gesture made my heart melt even now. Proving that he is a good listener, kissing me on the forehead has become his newest and most special way of communicating his affection.

We tease at home about his charming gestures. I tell him he's going to be a tender and wonderful spouse and my husband reminds him that I am already married. In keeping with this banter, he now compliments me or kisses my hand and says, "that's from Dad" with a wink. He wants to show affection and give my husband the credit.

As I have read so much in the news in the last couple of weeks about the mistreatment of women, I have felt a myriad of emotions. I am a woman, raising a young woman and two young men. I have been on the receiving end of unwanted advances and comments. I have experienced disrespectfulness. I know the anger, the sting and the shame.

I also, thankfully, know what it means to be in a relationship with a respectful, caring and honorable man. Parker's antics are a reminder to me that our children are watching. They are gleaning what it means to be a gentleman and how women are to be treated.

We are hearing a whole lot of ugly in the news, I just wanted to pause and esteem the good. May we not forget that there are still respectful, loving and godly men. May we honor them and commit to raising more of them. I am incredibly grateful that my children are watching an amazing example and somehow already realize the tenderness and charm they are developing is a credit to their Dad.

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