Saturday, March 05, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?

One week from today we will be in the Dominican Republic--our first family foreign mission experience. I am excited, but very aware that this will likely be quite the adventure (the highs and the lows). Our travel plans alone are enough to make me a bit nervous....early, early morning departure, 5 hour layover in Miami and arrival after midnight on our return...YIKES!

I want my children to gain a perspective of third world poverty and develop a heart for the nations. I am aware that at not-quite-7 years old there may be some growing pains in that lesson--and am praying daily for realistic expectations. We have been talking a lot about showing gratitude to our hosts--even if the beds are itchy and uncomfortable and we are tired of eating rice and beans, we say "Gracias!"

This afternoon I scoured YouTube for a few videos of the place we are going to try to prepare them a bit more for what is in store. I found a really great video from a young lady on staff with the ministry we are traveling with. As she is describing the Dominican people she cites a statistic about how many are born out of wedlock and "don't know their real father."

P appeared to be tuning in and out of the video, so I was shocked when he said, "They don't know God is their real Father?"

I love, love, love when God gives me glimpses into how He is at work in the hearts of my children. Faith like a child is a precious, precious thing!


sherene said...

Oh sweet kids, I'm so touched:))

Peter and Nancy said...

I hope all goes well for you, and that you can roll with the unexpected. Our friends who've brought their kids along for mission trips or adoption travel have been pleasantly surprised (by how childrens' play breaks down barriers) and experienced some bumps (with food or time zone troubles, etc.). But without question, their kids were deeply affected by what they experienced.

Unknown said...

Just to share, I'm not sure the type of mission work you will be doing but the TV show about the Duggar family had a 2 part episode about a mission trip they took to Honduras. My almost 6 year old was fascinated and it gave us a lot to talk about - very eye opening to her. I know it is a different country but maybe it will help too.

k and c's mom said...

You are so wise to introduce your three to missions at such an early age. I remember the long talks I had with my two when we were going to be eating with some missionaries from a third world country. (Much like your "saying gracias" to everything.) My son's comment to the host after an unexpectedly delicious meal was, "Wow. That wasn't yucky or anything."

Claire said...

How adorable!

I'll be praying for you all.


Ashley said...

Your reach at eternity for your family stirs at my heart too. I have never been on a mission trip nor have I seen poverty that would cut at my bones. I will be praying for your family for safe travels and I pray that God will use this trip to encourage others including myself to step out of comfort zones. Thank you so much for sharing and I am certain that your children will never forget this experience. Blessings from Texas!