I distinctly remember the first 5k I ever ran (the Country's Midnight Express in Columbus, Georgia). The first mile or so was OK, but after that I marked the run by street corners, stop signs and other landmarks. I focused all of my energy on just getting to the next thing. At times the finish line seemed so far away that it was irrelevant and not remotely motivating.
I know everyone is not wired this way...but I clearly am. The same seems to be true in motherhood. I really haven't minded having my people home this week as much as I have resented the uncertainty of it all. I was all about making the most of Day One--and Day Two. By Days Three and Four I was worn down. I felt like I was running a race at a sustainable pace and someone kept moving my finish line. I was psyched up for a certain distance/period of time--but when that became uncertain I became frazzled. Overwhelmed, annoyed and frustrated with the unknown and the lack of control. I wanted a game plan!
This afternoon we received news that school would resume tomorrow. It was as if my fire had been reignited. Suddenly, I realized time was ticking and we needed to get back outside and make the most of the last of our snow day. It was almost palpable, because my trio seemed to experience the same resurgence.
We returned from an afternoon outing to find the sleds I had 'rush ordered' last week had finally arrived. It was 4:40. The sun was starting to set, but we dashed out anyway--and had the most fun we've had all week.
And I pray the Lord will make my attitude similar to my children's...who found great joy in (of all things) a ditch. Joy, joy in the journey!!
as I looked at your cute post tonight...i was reminded of how not long ago...you and your husband paid money for the "snow" experience! Looks like God knew you needed a "cheeper" experience this past week! I am so happy you found joy and finished the race! Happy Friday tomorrow!
Love all the pictures and the message of this post. Enjoy your Friday ;-)
Much love,
Future Mama
I so enjoy reading your perspective on mothering (and on life)! I'm so glad you enjoyed another wonderful snow day and made some more sweet memories!!! Your kiddo's are PRECIOUS!Blessings!
TwiceAsNice...I had the same thought yesterday. (It had escaped me by the time I sat down to post.) At one point during sledding R even said, "This is waaay more fun than Snow Mountain." :-)
You just can't beat the real thing.
Wise, wise words! So hard to keep the brevity of life in mind on a moment-to-moment basis, but it sure would lead to a fuller, richer life if we could, wouldn't it?
And I have to thank you for posting the video, because my 2 1/2-year-old son just sat and watched it with me (multiple time upon his request) and I got to enjoy his great big belly laughs, especially at the "crashes." :-)
P.S. My son came back to me a little while ago asking to watch the sledding video again. After that one, he wanted to see more videos, so I just spent 20+ minutes showing him every available video of your kiddos here. He especially loved the one where K is reading to the boys and the one right before Christmas, having a "monkey parade!"
In addition to being entertaining for me, this activity helped me out quite a bit: I'm fighting a nasty cold today, and sitting here with my son in my lap allowed me to rest a bit instead of having to keep on top of his usual two-year-old busy-ness! :-)
Keri- I almost sent you to that youtube channel after your earlier comment. My own three were wildly entertained by it a couple of days ago when we were over the snow! So glad to be of assistance. Feel better soon!!!
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