Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Matters

This afternoon was quite mundane--after school free time, snacks, homework, a thrown together supper because Daddy was on call and I hadn't planned ahead.

After reading this article and trying to be just a tad more intentional about my eye contact and my availability--I found myself rejoicing in the simple life.

When I should have been making dinner, I opted to warm up leftovers and make a memory instead. We carved a pumpkin and roasted the seeds.

When we should have been going upstairs to get ready for bed, we lingered just a little longer around the table telling corny, made-up 6 year old jokes. Laughing together, making eye contact and sharing life.

When I tucked them in for bed I was a bit more specific in my nightly prayer over them, thanking God for specific attributes and asking Him to use that for His glory.

And tonight, when I probably should be washing the dirty dishes piled up in my kitchen sink, I am reviewing the day and writing instead. The dishes will be there in the morning, but these thoughts may not.

Someone sent me an article today about the death of the Superwoman. I laughed as I read it--thankful that my pursuit of that illusion only rears its head on rare occasion. I am far too realistic to try. I know that there are only so many hours in the day and we have to choose what our priority and focus is going to be.

I write often about how I 'want to do well' with the little lives has entrusted to me--but what does that mean exactly? Tonight it seems center them on the two greatest commandments as articulated by Jesus: To love the Lord God with all their heart , mind, soul and strength and to love their neighbor as themselves.

The only way I can impart that is to allow God to teach me. I must remind myself what really matters. And sometimes it means making trades...I value order, but when the pursuit of such leaves my highest priorities unmet, I have missed it.

Lord, thank you for the little reminders that my children will grow up far better served by having a Mama that was available than by having a mother who was accomplished. They will grow in their knowledge of you not from an immaculate home, but from a supportive, encouraging and caring one.

Some days are better than others. Some days they get both, but much more often choices must be made. Help me choose wisely, Lord.


Emily Mc. said...

Oh wow. What a good reminder!

Kellie said...

Man, that hits home. Thanks for that - perfect timing as we are in the midst of a home's so hard to balance "getting it done" with quality time with my children!!!!