Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Classic P

At 4 am this morning P woke up due to a bad dream. After convincing him there was no reason to feel threatened by "bears with knives," I got him settled back into bed. I stumbled back into my room, climbed back into bed and attempted to get back to sleep. Just as I was drifting off I heard him crying again.

When I went in his room I said, "Another scary dream?"

"No," he cried, "That one was just BORING!"

I love my very imaginative child..crying at 4am over a dream being too boring :-)

It took me a little longer to fall back asleep that time. I had to finish giggling first!


Rock said...

you wrote your boys name in this post. Wanted to tell you incase you were unaware and would want to change it

Jennifer said...

Thank you, Rock! :-) I really appreciate the heads up.

Pam said...

Laughing out loud!

Anonymous said...

Hehe - that is too cute:)

Liz said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!

Anonymous said...


Keri said...

I have to tell you that I laughed when I read this post yesterday, and the thought of it has brought a smile to my face a couple more times since then. It is priceless. :-)

Alanna said...

So funny!! :)