It is interesting that much of the world's message is about enhancing, touching up or faking beauty. Yet, her pictures look so fresh and picturesque because of the absence of artificial light.
I think there are some profound parallels between photography and life. My favorite shots are those that seem to capture the essence of a person...that split second,with just the right light that seems to illuminate the individuality of someone. You often have to take a lot of pictures to find just the one.
As we went through the proofs to select which to order, I found myself drawn not to the angelic portraits as much as the ones with expressions that seemed most familiar and 'real.' I am reminded that in my relationships with people, I should spend less time seeking perfection and more time giving grace for the 'bad shots' that caught people in an off moment. I want to be willing to invest in the adventure of looking for the true beauty that is harder to find.Often it is not so much that the person is beautiful, but the moment or the emotion is...
I love this one because it is the exact way they were positioned in utero during my pregnancy. K across the bottom like a hammock, P on my left side, R on my right...and in my favorite ultrasound picture their heads were all together in the center. We did not pose this. Yet, it was the first thing that struck me when I saw the proof.
My final observation is that the real key to photography is using the right lens. How often am I guilty of having the wrong lens (attitude) as I go through my daily life? My only hope is to wake each morning praying that God will equip me with His Spirit, His Eyes, His Heart for this world and the people living in it.
How much more beautiful the world will be if I seek to see it with His Lens and His Light!
What a thoughtfully beautiful post! (I love the one where the kids have hats-and wonderful expressions!-on.)
Such great pics. I have to ask where you got that beautiful dress on your daughter. Love it!
I love to open my "dashboard" on Blogger and see a post from you. It's always refreshing and thought-provoking. The correlation between your every day life and God is simply amazing, and often I go through the day thinking about something you wrote and how to apply it to my life that day.
All of the pictures are beautiful, but I love most the one of you and the kids where you're first thought was of them being positioned in the exact same way in your uterus. Isn't it amazing how God works in this small moments... well what seem to be small to some but could mean the world to us.
Love all of these pictures!! Especially the one with the hats...Christmas card??
Great, great perspective.
Beautiful post and beautiful pictures!!!
I think I emailed you that we used Landria last year and my husband and I were just thrilled with our photos. I didn't schedule with her in time this year, but we will definitely be using her next year. My little 3yo LOVED her sweet personality, Thomas the Train stories and pretty face and that helps get some great shots, too.
Fantastic photos, wonderful post, I'm so glad I read your blog. Thank you.
Wow! I love the pictures but the perspective and personal thought you had with each of these are very very cool (especially the one with all 3 in your lap)! I love the green jacket too (Is that the one you purchased on the girls trip?)!!! You and your family look so precious as always. Of course, I especially think so because I love you so!
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