Our 'Daddy Time' comes at random intervals. Sometimes the children don't see him for a couple of days at a time because he leaves before they wake up and comes back home after they are asleep. When we get in one of those cycles, my husband is faithful to seek out any window, however small, for a wee bit of face time. It almost always happens in parking lots, between patients or as he switches hospitals. (Proximity is a huge blessing of small town life.)
As crazy and nontraditional as it may sound, these stolen moments work for us. We are grateful for the time (and even moreso for the thought and the effort).
Big smiles and a big hug during a 3 minute Daddy break in the church parking lot after VBS today.So the next time you are waiting to see your Doc...you may want to check the parking lot. :-)
Love it! I can tell you are two parents deeply committed to your children.
Who would mind waiting if they saw that reunion in the parking lot? Precious! :)
Love it!! What a great daddy!
Oh my word. That picture is so sweet.
Very, very sweet.....but can you answer a question for this germaphobe?? Does he make sure to change into clean scrubs and coat before letting the kids touch him? I would just worry so much about strong hospital germs!! Forgive me, I'm squeamish and paranoid!!
This is sooo precious!!! Even if his scrubs have germs...Gotta build up their immunity *wink*....
Kate- We wash hands a lot, but other than that we just enjoy the hugs and try not to think about the rest... Some things are worth the risk. :-)
I love this picture! It is great!
I'm a sucker for those 'daddy moments' ! I fall in love all over again when I see my husband with my kids.
Dont you love a man with dimples? Not crushing on yours..mine has them, too :)
I think the dose of germs health care worker's children/spouses get work as a vaccine over time, dont you? When I first became a nurse, I thought I would be sick all the time and for the first 2 months I would get the colds and sniffles but then I became immune to it. I think the same thing happens to people close to them. Changing scrubs and lab coats wouldnt work..he would have to take a shower and basically do his scrub in procedure ALL over to be semi germ free. Besides, nothing is worse than money, NOTHING! Look at it under a microscope one day..ick. We handle it without scrubbing it down, daddies are way better. Can you tell I am a germophobe, too? I have just learned to rationalize it and can live with Germ-X not killing that
.01% that must equal millions..(ugh...)!
Yall are still my heroes!! I am alone this week with my 5-year-old..one 5-year-old. She has talked and talked and talked..ONE! 3? GO J! GO J!
My husband is also a doctor- just finished a four year gynonc fellowship so I appreciate the need to find those 'stolen moments.'. Glad you were able to capture one!
Hi JenMom!
My best friend and I are avid readers of your blog. It is always so terribly interesting to see what youre going to come up with next...I cannot tell you how many times I was supposed to be studying and found myself studying the archives of your blog instead! (Usually a WHOLE lot more interesting too!) We are both 23, live in different states and both kind of in that "in-between" stage of life...she has graduated and cannot find a job in this economy, while I on the other hand cannot seem to graduate and definately cant get away from work. Who would have thought 23 would be so stressful? Usually during a conversation about the daily grind about whose day was worse, we turn to, "So did you read 'Lotsofscotts' today?", and live vicariously through you for a few minutes before we hang up. My boyfriend and I were on a much needed vacation for a week, and with little phone service during, I was so excited to catch up on my blogs when I returned hope. (Times have clearly changed.)
Anyway, sorry for the novel, just wanted to let you know your blog is very much enjoyed!
Baton Rouge, LA
This actually brought a tear to my eye, Jen. It is so wonderful! My dad is a doctor and he never made this much of an effort just to see me for a few minutes. You and your children are so fortunate.
Melissa Day
Thanks for that reminder that doctors are people with real life families and sometimes they have real life issues going on too!!
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