Saturday, April 04, 2009

Chatter Bugs

Ahh...I have spent the entire day exploring the outdoors with my trio. I have overheard some hilarious quotes today, so without further adieu, a snippet of life according to my children:

P "When I grow up I want to be a deejay if there is a party, but all the other times I want to be a weed eater."

R, upon noticing a huge monument in a nearby cemetery "Oh, wow! Is this one God's? Did they bury him here?"

P, also commenting on the cemetery. "Look at all these people that have died. Now we know just how many people are going to be in heaven!"

We are thoroughly enjoying our Resurrection Eggs again this year. Today's symbol was a leather strap. After devotion as R was being tucked in he prayed, "De-ya God. Thank you for letting Jesus get whipped and not us! Amen."


Mindy said...

I love the comments kids make. I try to write them all down so I won't forget.

Have a blessed Palm Sunday!

Tonya Ingram said...

LOL... they are hilarious. And so precious.

JenB said...

Yesterday my 4 yr old opened the egg with the passover cup and said "It's the Piston Cup!" (You know, from CARS, the movie?) nice.

HW said...

When my daughter was about five we were at a cemetery and, as she looked at all the gravestones, specifically the dates, she asked "Why did they put all those people's phone numbers on those stones?"