Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekend Warriors

We have spent the weekend celebrating with grandparents. Saturday we celebrated Grandmother Scott's 65th birthday with a trip to Lenox Mall in Atlanta and an evening in Centennial Park followed by al fresco dining downtown. The evening was capped off enjoying Christmas music performed by a jazz musician. The mild temperatures made an early Winter night feel more like early Summer. I'd say these faces are fairly accurate representation of the fun we had!

Last night before bed, P said, "Mom, I really liked this day!"

Today we travelled to my hometown to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. My mother's family is huge (she is one of 6). There are lots and cousins and extended family, so the children were in big kid heaven!

This afternoon we sensed that they were going to meltdown without naps, so we did what any resourceful parent would do. We loaded them up in the car and went driving! It took less than 5 minutes for the first one to fall asleep. All three were out within 10 minutes. I knew people did this with newborns, but I never dreamed it would still be effective with overstimulated, super excited 4.5 year olds.

My husband and I were thrilled with the opportunity for an hour of adult conversation! We discussed the fact that our children were resistant to the thought of naps. They assured us they were not tired and wanted to keep playing. Yet, within minutes their slumber reminded us of a central truth of parenting. Children often do not know what they need. They know what they want (sometimes) but not what they need. That is why they have parents. We must have the courage to lead them, rather than be lead by them.

Tonight as I sat in the living room at my Grandmama's where I have spent the last 34 Christmases, watching my children build memories before my very eyes, I couldn't help but reflect on what an amazing gift family is. None of our families are perfect. Every closet has skeletons. We hurt each other. We know each others' stuff--and yet, we have a bond. We have history. We have love.

We are back on the road for home in the morning, where we plan to nestle down in our cozy home for the remainder of our Christmas celebrations.


Deidre said...

I admit I have put my kids in the car often for the same reason. My husband and I love the peace ;)

Merry Christmas!

Amy said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours...

Colored With Memories said...

Car naps are so effective! Aren't you glad that gas is cheaper now?

I did the same with my four year old this july when we had a long night of entertaining ahead of us...I entitled my post about it "the most expensive nap ever"!

have a wonderful christmas, jmom!

Mary Lou said...

What beautiful memories you are building. What a wise young woman you are. May you and yours have a blessed Christmas.

Jenna said...

You are right - those sweet face say it all. They look like they are having a blast!! Hope the rest of ya'll's holiday is awesome! Merry Christmas!

Kate Geisen said...

Your observation about children not knowing what they need is something that a) we see every day with Jacob as well as the older boys and b) is so true of my relationship with God.

I know what I want; He knows what I need. In many ways, I'm often still right where the kids are, straining to have my way.

Shannon said...

J Mom,
You always share the most precious moments with us. Thank you!
Merry Christmas to all of you,
Shannon in Austin

geisme said...

@Kate- I can so relate to your comment- in fact Rich Mullin's song- "Hold Me Jesus" says exactly that. I think that's why I like it so much.

Jenn, Thanks again for sharing from your heart- I have that same struggle with my girls as well. Not really needing a nap most days, but on the busy, busy days would benefit from one.