Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fashion Sense

It is fair to say that my precious man does not spend a lot of time studying the latest trends in fashion. So, every now and then I buy him something to stretch him just a little out of his comfort zone. Recently, I got him a very cool pair of suede driving moccasins. He tried them on with several outfits before finally getting the courage to wear them out in public. I built him up, telling him how cool he looked. Unfortunately, it was short-lived. As he descended the stairs, P took one look at him and said, "Daddy, why are you wearing Goofy shoes?"


Kim said...

Oh, that is TOO Funny!

Jenny said...

That's hilarious! Hopefully your hubby will still wear them. :)

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

DOH! You wear GOOFY shoes when you are driving to DISNEY, right? I mean, you're gonna be wearing dorky ears all week too! Might as well start early on the festivities!

You're SO going to love your Disney trip. We've been going since 1980 (when there was only ONE park!) and are now Disney Vacation Club members. I bookmarked the Fairy Trip Planner as I think having days laid out for you in planner form is stellar - especially when we'll have 8 adults and 5 children. For once I just want to go and enjoy it instead of being the Fairy Grandmother! :)

Kim said...

Laughing is a great way to start the day! Thanks!!! :) Out of the mouths of babes....

Kila said...


I recently found and enjoyed your blog. PTL that you and your children are all OK after the rough start you all went through! At my site I passed an award on to you ;)