Thursday, July 03, 2008

Because We Are Romantic

Earlier this week my husband & I were discussing the fact that our commitment to weekly date nights had fallen off dramatically in the last few months. We hoped to schedule something this week to get back on track. Alas, he was working Monday night, my bi-weekly Summer group (No Other Gods, by Kelly Minter) was meeting Tuesday night and my regular school year group was meeting Wednesday night. Because we had family activities planned for tomorrow night and a group date Saturday, I just assumed we would try again next week. My precious man did not. He came home this evening expecting a date-ready wife and a sitter. Instead he found a tired, greasy, pool garb-clad Mama and three hungry young'uns.

I decided to make the best of it by throwing on a Summer dress and sassy flip flops and suggesting we load everyone up for dinner out. We chose a restaurant that's food is so greasy the outdoor air vent from the kitchen has a bucket hanging from it to catch the grease droplets in the air. (Seriously!) Clearly, I was really trying to speak his love language.

After dinner we decided to make a 'quick' run to Kroger. On the night before a holiday. At bedtime. With 3 wildcats who were exhausted from 3 hours at the pool and no nap. Who says we aren't adventurous?

Two grocery carts, no list, a Daddy helping shop, hyper children, a crowded store, potty breaks for all three...despite it all, we made it out in just under an hour. I was packing some serious couponage and managed to save $62 on my $200 bill. That is definitely my man's love language!

So, while it may not have been the romantic, quiet, candlelit dinner the word 'date' would have connotated for me four years ago, it was a nice snapshot of the way children change everything. And the truth is, this was romantic in its own random way.


Perri said...

The restaurant sounds GREAT! My kind of place.

Tari said...

When we only had 1, we would eat early dinner and then grocery shop every Friday night. They we could sleep in as long as the baby would let us on Saturday and not have to rush out of the house for errands. It was actually very fun and almost romantic. And I will remember the sight of my husband carrying our older son around Kroger in the Baby Bjorn for the rest of my life!

Colored With Memories said...

That was us at Target two nights ago. I'm pretty sure the entire store breathed a sigh of relief when we exited with our cranky overtired children!

Karen Owens said...

I have to say that our local grocery store has become my new best friend -- they have childcare complete with computerized photo identification security system and walkie talkies for potty breaks "or I want my mommie" moments.

Heck -- maybe my husband and I should make it a date night -- they even have a coffee shop.

Oh boy now I'm excited!

Mary B said...

As the kids age the definition of "date" changes. When they were little we would make a nice dinner or takeout on Saturday night put the kids to bed early and watch a movie. Those were some great times! Now they are older and stay up later so those dates are nearly impossible. The trade off is that the oldest it 12 so we can have a couple of hours to go out to eat, but they are awake when we get home :)
All that matters is the effort and that you still want to create some time together, the rest of details will fall in place.

Sarah said...

Sometimes date nights are too much after a long week. It sounds like that was the perfect casual ending.

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

We've had "date nights" for about 30 years now. If you go to
you can read my blog on it that I posted recently should you have the time or the inclination. :) They are important things to have, whatever form they take!

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Okay, trying again since the entire url didn't show up - sorry!