Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Raising Boys

First of all, THANK YOU to everyone for jumping in on the conversation in the previous post. There is something so wonderful about remembering that we are all in this together. Doesn't it help to feel 'normal?'

This week the children have each gone to the Montessori school for one hour of in-class observation and assessment. I have resisted every type A, protective and competitive urge in my body to coach them or prepare them for their review. :-) The only words I have offered is to "be on their best behavior." So you can imagine my horror as I went to pick R yesterday morning and he bounded over to me and proceeded to lick me all over my face right in front of the directress of the school! What on Earth?

I am beginning to realize that raising boys is a whole new world.

This afternoon after rest time K & R were putting on shoes to go out and play. P lagged behind upstairs. After a couple of minutes I called up to him. Hearing no response I started climbing the stairs as I called his name. Then he uttered the words that send mortal dread through a mother's veins:
"Don't come up here, Mommy. I am fixing somethin'."
Uh-oh! What has he done?
As I entered the bathroom I saw him frantically re-rolling the toilet paper onto the roll--except the paper was soaked with toilet water. Then I looked into the toilet to find #2. I thought that was disgusting enough, then looked up at the walls to find them splattered with toilet water and noticed several wet wads of toilet paper clinging to the wallpaper.
"P, why did you do this?"
He had no answer.

An hour later we were all in the front yard talking to our neighbors. I saw a flash of flesh and looked across the yard to see R, naked from the waist down, relieving himself...right in front of my neighbor's 5 year old daughter. She has no brothers, so I presume it was quite an anatomy lesson!

Boys, boys, boys!


Erin said...

You just gotta love them! Don't even try to understand them! Just love them for the wonderful, adventurous, carefree, curious, silly, precious little creatures that they are! God made them that way! And, one day they will grow up to lead families and businesses, etc. But, we will always remember the little boys that they are deep down inside ~ the little boys that we love so desperately!

Leah said...

Girl, I am with you. I have a 13 year old daughter and 2 boys, 5 and almost 2. That means, I had eight years of sweet, calm, dainty girly girl days. I do not know what to do with these guys. My first boy threw me for a loop, but my baby leaves me completely bumfuzzled! He is not even two and he has already broken his arm, gotten into medicine twice (thankfully I caught him before any disaster could arise) and countless other crazy things.
But, I tell you what ... they sure do love their mommas. So, it's worth it.

Courtney said...

fun fun fun. i am about to post about our anatomy lesson with jackson and curious george tonight...they keep us on our toes! :)

Anonymous said...

Have you read Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson? It's a great read for moms of boys.

Brandy Thixton said...

This entry made me laugh out loud! Boys sound like a whole different adventure than girls!

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Just WAIT until they (your boys) make a comment comparing themselves to their daddy - IN PUBLIC! Ours came when our youngest was 3 - and it was at church no less. Ah, the "honesty of youth".

Another one I "loved" was when they were coming back from the public restroom with their daddy at a restaurant and having a "recap" loudly relayed to me in front of the other patrons.

Boys are a whole 'nuther ball of wax! :) Gotta love 'em!

Kerin said...

Relish these moments! Before you know it they will not want to be seen with you. You will become "stupid" and only needed when they want to go somewhere or need money. Time goes by so quickly. You are doing a great job with the kids!!! "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with the ever-increasing glory which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2Cor. 3:18) We are still learning things about ourselves - things that come easily and things that take a lot of work. We need to be our true selves. This age can be hard - but, it is so much fun!!! Your children see everyday your love for Jesus. Kerin

Danielle said...

I have decided that I will either be laughing so hard I cannot catch my breath or crying in disbelief and shock for the next 15 or so years. Every day is a new adventure and little boys sure know how to make the most of that! Mothering these little men is a humbling and beautiful experience for sure.

Anonymous said...

I went out to get the mail and was met on the driveway on my way backup by a completely naked child! I'm sure the neighbors think the kids have no mother!

S.Good said...

My precious older boy - decided he needed to go to the bathroom at preschool on the sand playground. When asked why - He told them my mom said i could!:{

Deidre said...

Ha ha - that is hilarious! Kids never do what you would expect - and why do we expect anything else? As a mother of two girls, mine would have stared in amazement!

Mary Lou said...

As the mother of one each and then the Nana of three boys and one girl, boys will be boys will be boys. I don't know if they ever truly grow up. Watching my husband run through the house with a nine year old chasing him and playing hide and seek is one I do in wonderment. Just keep loving and laughing, you will survive. God has blessed you abundantly.

Trudy said...

At least the boys provide great stories and fantastic blog material. I have 3 girls so our problems are a little different but challenging at times. Enjoy them and pray for their wives :)

Colored With Memories said...

And to think I've been longing for boys all this time! Maybe I'll just stick with my two girls and be done!

Of course my hubby wants TWO boys.

davec777 said...

I'll never forget when I had my former college roommate visiting with her two young girls. They were very protective of their girls and didn't allow them to watch hardly any movies or television (even Disney G rated movies). She was telling me about how she wanted to protect their modesty and how important it was, when my oldest son (who was 3 maybe?) came prancing by naked as a jaybird on his way up to his room. Oh the shame....... You've just got to love 'em. This same son is finally modest now - it took puberty to accomplish it though =)