Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Honor Your Husband

After a wonderful 9 days with my husband, I was reminded how much he blesses our family. He is patient, yet firm. Kind, fun, loving and incredibly involved and interested in the children. Did I mention cute?

I was also reminded that in my attempts to tease and be funny, I can cross the line and turn into a hen that pecks. I adore him. I value him. He is indisputably God's chosen for me and the man of my dreams. I don't intend to tear him down and make him feel any less than wonderful...yet, in the stress of child rearing, in my weariness, in my impatience and in my humanity...it happens.

I want my home to be a place of peace and rest for our family. Yet, I am particular about how he fills the sippy cups! I correct him for sitting on a freshly made bed to tie his shoes. I even caught myself the other day saying, "Daddy, we don't..." like he is 3! Oh, the hypocrisy!

So often in parenthood, in marriage, in life, it is the little things. Kindness. Well chosen words. Encouragement. Appreciation. The Golden Rule.

God had been really working on my heart about all this over the weekend. Yesterday, I was reading Joy's blog and found Christine's challenge. For any of you that are interested, check it out.

My goal(s) for this week are:
1- To say Thank You more
2- To ask him daily "What can I do for you today?"
3- To pray that I won't get lazy and take him for granted. May my actions adequately represent the love and commitment I have for my beloved!
4- And no more pecking!!!


Denise said...

Wishing sweet blessings upon your marriage always.

Anonymous said...

I can identify with this - I am always "pecking" my husband even without meaning to. I tell myself I'm doing it to try and help but I don't always stop to imagine how it must feel to be on the receiving end - so thanks for making me stop and think! I will try to cut down my pecking.

ivegot5 said...

I come here daily to read what you've written, as my kids are 1,1,and 2. You describe my life so perfectly and it's just wonderfully funny and eye-opening coming from another perspective. Maybe because I am here daily, God is using you in my life. I had a disagreement with my husband last night and the gist of it was that he is the head of the household, and he felt I was being disrespectful. And on thinking it over, I agree. So I come here this morning...and the post is "honor your husband." This also happened with your post on sin and selfishness. The exact same situation. Thank you so much for letting God use you to touch so many lives and to remind me that I have something special and shouldn't take it for granted. Have a wonderful day.

Alida Sharp said...

May God bless your marriage this week as you work on your goals!

peace, Alida

Melissa said...

Great goals! I'm guilty of the pecking, too. And it's hard to turn off the "Mommy" mode. I think this is going to be a great challenge!

Borbe Bunch said...

I appreciate your heart and what you write...I agree, we have to really be wise in the way we talk to our husbands...thank you for the encouragement to honor my husband in ALL areas...
thankful for you.

Borbe Bunch said...

Oh, and I LOVE Maine...I am from the East Coast and MISS it!!!
We lived in Maine for the first year of our marriage....ahhh, the ocean air, I smell it now!
LOVED all the pics you shared...fun times, what a blessing!

Christine said...

Ooooh, from one pecking hen to another...

I so appreciate your goals and hope this challenge blesses you and your family!

Renee said...

I've had this same topic in mind, respecting my husband. God is so gracious as we seek to honor Him. Great goals!

Laura said...

Just wanted to drop a note and let you know your post pointed me in a direction of making an effort to be a better wife today. Because of reading your post earlier, we talked more (and I actually listened about his day at work instead of just nodding at the right moments) and I watched a guy movie he had rented with him instead of hiding out on the computer. Small things, but they are the things that matter in day to day life. Part of our foundation, if you will.
I also tend to peck a bit over insignificant things, it is a dreadful habit that your post helped me become aware of and now that I am aware, I can make an effort to do something about it. Thanks for the much needed reminder.

Alycia said...

So happy you are joining in with us! I know you will blessed as you strive to honor your husband! You have great goals this week!