Friday, June 08, 2007

The Boy Scout

My husband and I refer to R's personality as "the Boy Scout." He is a huge fan of rules. He always has a plan and is a strict enforcer of rules around our home. He is constantly reminding the rest of us how to do things properly:
"We don't pway ins-twa-ments in da woom where da video is."
"Mommy, don't walk a-wound wff yo' food. You needa sit down."
"He's/she's not doin' da wite ting..." (through tears, like it physically hurts him for someone to break the rules)

Currently, R is on a HUGE golf and baseball kick. Literally, EVERYTHING is now either a ball he can "whack" or something he can use as a bat or a club to whack with. He has even started "shushing" me and the other 2 children because, "you have to be quiet when a golfer is playing."

Another illustration happened this Wednesday night. Our church, like so many other traditional, "downtown" churches is in the midst of conversations about adding a contemporary or blended worship service. This week, a Praise Team from a contemporary church was the program at for Wednesday night supper. We decided to keep the kiddos in the fellowship hall rather than sending them to the nursery since it was a musical program. We listen to a lot of contemporary praise music and the kiddos all have songs they sing and frequently request. I felt sure they would enjoy it. K watched intently. P sang loudly along. R, however, insisted on going to the nursery after the first song, because it was not the right music for church.

How set in his ways he is at the ripe old age of three! My little guy knows what he likes/wants and how he likes/wants it. We are working on flexibility...but he does at least seem to have gotten the manners part down. Interestingly, he is remarkably polite about his demands. This afternoon when he melted down after lunch, I suggested he needed to go take a nap. This was met with a reply of, "No, thanks!" A couple of minutes later when he melted down again, I carried him upstairs for his nap. As I was putting him to bed (and for several minutes after I left him there), all I could hear was wailing and the words, "No thanks, Mommy! MOM-MEEEEE, NOOOOOO THANKS!"


Renee said...

He is so cute, J. I particulary liked the church music comment and the "no thanks" when you were putting him down to nap. We call our eldest the police man, but he's often not the nice policeman which is when the big problems arise.

Hope you all have a good weekend! :)

Aunt Boo said...

That is so funny, what a funny boy!

Aunt Boo

Anonymous said...

How premature were they? How long were they in the hospital? You had mentioned the 4hour schedule by the time they were delivered home. Thanks for the Christian resources to other moms of multiples! Blessings!

Jennifer said...

Hi 5:49. My kiddos were born at 31 weeks, 5 days and spent 5 weeks after their birth in the hospital. Remarkably, they all came home on the same day. It was quite the reality check!

Erin said...

That is tooo cute!!! Especially the part about R and the contemporary praise team!! That cracked me up! I have a little policeman at my house too. Whatever would we do without their help???? :-)