Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Easter 2015 (in pictures)

What a fulfilling Easter celebration we enjoyed this year! While there is still a twinkle in the children's eyes at them mention of the Easter Bunny, R announced this was the last year he would be leaving a basket out for the big eared gift deliverer. (To which P replied, "Are you kidding? I'm leaving out a basket until I am 40!" That's my boy!)

We also had NO TAKERS on formal Easter Egg Hunting Saturday. (I did manage to get them to engage in one quick backyard hunt when money was involved. But since I am cheap and the prize egg was only $1, it didn't last!)

My heart hurt a little over this 'outgrown' tradition, but loved the time we spent as a family on the trampoline instead. Casual clothes, giggles and an impromptu pile of love. 

There was also great delight in attempting to play basketball with raw eggs...oh, ten year olds...
Saturday night saw the visit on out of town friends--hours of backyard play, marshmallow roasting over the firepit, blankets and BBQ.

Sunday, after basket reveals and the early church service and Sunday School we journeyed down to Atlanta for the treat of lunch with both sets of grandparents and the gift of time with my Grandmama Dobbs.

I am grateful to my gracious mother-in-law for her gift of hospitality...this gorgeous setting and delicious shrimp & grits!

After lunch we had lots of time outside enjoying sunny Spring weather.
 (The fact that this photo is waist up disguises the muddy barefeet that had just been in the creek catching frogs...better than an Easter Egg Hunt in my girl's book!) 

Church, food, family, Spring sunshine and barefeet...a fitting celebration of the full LIFE of grace and love we have because of Jesus.

My heart is exceedingly grateful <3>


  1. I think that picture of you and K might be my all-time favorite photo you've ever posted here! (And since you're the queen of posting amazing family photos, that's saying a lot!:) ) The joy on your faces...the color and lighting...the obvious love...Just perfect beyond words!

    I'm so glad you all enjoyed a wonderful Easter!

  2. That last picture looks like a PAINTING....of twins!!


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