Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I've started this post a dozen times and countless different ways, but here's the bottom line:

We have an extra bedroom in our house with two unused beds.
I drive a Suburban with a couple of empty seats.
My husband & I have hearts that break over the crisis of foster care in our community. (We are the worst in the state of Georgia per capita for kids in care AND worst in the state in terms of the ratio of available foster families for the number of children in need of placement.)
We are knee deep in kid mode.
We have margin in our lives to share with others.

So, after years of conversation and prayer, mounds of paperwork and days of training we are entering the final stretch of our home study process to become foster parents. (And our kids are onboard "as long as it is not a baby.")

We have been told to expect placement of a child or two before the end of April!!

I have learned SO much through this process and have felt confirmation in my Spirit over and over again. I have been pondering so much in my heart and enjoying private time to really explore the commitment with my little family without a lot of outside input.

But, at this point I am like a very pregnant Mama ready to burst in anticipation (except I don't know the age, gender or number of additional kids in my home!) I am ready to talk about it.

Due to the sensitive and personal nature of these cases, I won't feel free to write once there are children in my home--it will no longer simply be my story then, it will be theirs.

So, I hope to use these next few weeks of waiting to record some of the stories of how God got us here. On the hard days and nights I don't want to forget how assured we feel of this call right now. We've been circling the pool for years with toes in the water. Now it is time for us to dive in.

It's been a long journey, but little by little God removed all the obstacles until the only thing that was holding us back from saying Yes was fear. In the last several weeks God has reminded us that He's never considered fear a good reason to avoid anything.

Like a hope-filled young bride, I want to record this chapter. God has really shown Himself to Ryland & me as we have considered this for NINE YEARS, but I can't fit a decade in a single post. So stay tuned.


  1. Thanks for letting us join in on the part of your story of how God clearly led you to this point. I can't wait to read it!

  2. I am openly weeping (literally) and overjoyed for you, for your family, and for the child/children who will join you for whatever time God deems best for you and for them.

    God has richly blessed you, and it so encourages my heart to see you follow and obey that calling The Lord has put on your hearts for years. I heartily agree that fear is never a good reason to not do something.

    Know you will be in my prayers as God puts you on my heart. Looking forward to walking through this journey with you from afar as much as you are able to share it.

  3. Praying for yall and cant wait to follow along. We dont live too far from you (I dont think?? - I'm in Acworth?) and my church is huge in supporting foster families and we have multiple families who foster. Its been on my heart for a long time, but honestly, I am so scared. It may just be a timing thing as my babies are little but I am praying that the Lord shows me exactly my role with these sweet children in the future. Thanks for sharing and opening your home.

  4. I am excited for you guys Jenn. You guys home and family will love these kids well and your home will be blessed by the commitment you guys have made.

  5. So exciting! Praying for you and your family as you move forward with this journey!! Thanks for sharing a little of it with us. =)

  6. Someone is gonna be blessed! Bless your courage & love!!!

  7. We are huge advocates for foster children. Our daughter is a foster-to-adopt child. Thank you for following the Lord's path for your family to help these kids in need.

  8. Good for you!!!!! Love and peace to you all!

  9. I'm late to the party here, but nevertheless, you have my hearfelt congratulations! I'm so excited for your family and for how God will be growing the five of you as you bless the sweet ones that He entrusts into your care!

  10. This is something my husband and I talked about on and off over the last several years too. The need is huge and hearts that are led to follow fostering are beautiful hearts indeed. Prayers for you all as a family as you walk this road. I'm sure God will be blessing those who enter your home.


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