Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Sunset Perspective

I am writing this on the flight returning from a full & wonderful Spring Break trip to Hawaii. We had an action packed week of adventure featuring whale watching, swimming with 20 foot manta rays in the ocean at night, flying in a helicopter over waterfalls and an active volcano. Truly amazing glimpses of creation and life to the full.

And as I flip back through the snapshots in my brain and the photo images on my camera, my favorite part was a spontaneous stop at a random public beach late Wednesday afternoon. It had been a long day. Frankly, my husband pushed for one last stop when I wanted to go back and veg by the pool.
 Always up for an adventure, he led us down to the most gorgeous spot where the kids were able to splash and play for about an hour as the sun set.
 Even as I watched them I knew this would be my favorite part of the week. Sunkissed skin, playful spirits, exuberant laughter, warm breeze, glistening water...
 Not a care in the world but to be fully present in this moment.

 I studied their changing/maturing faces through my lens.
Little people--on an intermission from the growing up they are doing before my very eyes.

"This is my favorite," I said aloud to my husband.
"You are always a fan of the sunset moments," he reminded me.
"Hmm, you're right. Why do you think that is?" I asked.
"Maybe because of the reflection of the day?" he offered.
I've thought a lot about that since our conversation. I am truly a sucker for sunset moments with the people I love--but why?  Sunset is a time of perspective and reflection--two things I love--but I think there is more to it.
I've done just enough dabbling in photography to know it is all about light. Dawn, dusk and overcast days are the best times to capture beautiful photos. I think this is true of the perspective of my heart as well.
The reason I love sunset moments is because the harsh, intense, rush of the day is over and a warm glow settles in that puts everything in a softer, more forgiving light. The pressure to perform wears away--what's done is done-- it is time to reign things in and put the day to bed.
And I wonder why I can't seek a little more sunset in each day? When I am in a hurry and just trying to mark things off my list, I am convicted that I cast more of a harsh noonday glare and miss the glow of a sunset perspective.
Of course, real life means I can't always control the light of a given situation--but my presence, my attitude can certainly influence it. He is the 'light of the world' and I am called to reflect His warm glow.  


  1. To me you reflect His light beautifully. You show your heart which is seeking after Him and it shows.

  2. I love this. A sunset perspective...such interesting food for thought... Glad you had such a magical time!!

  3. P.S. I just became an Instagram user this past week, so now I'll get to look at your sweet pictures on the app instead of on your sidebar. Heading for my phone to follow you now! :)

  4. A beautiful reflection, the photos, so relaxed. You sound so much like me at the moment.


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