Tuesday one of my dearest friends drove from Birmingham to spend the day with me. It was another glorious Fall day, so we literally spent the day walking and talking around my town. I wish I had worn a pedometer, because we covered some ground! But more than the physical distances we covered, we were able to delve into all sorts of things that text messages and periodic phone calls just can't. After 5 hours our jaws and legs were exhausted and there was still much left unsaid.
Honestly, it is the kind of long talk I need to have here at the blog. When I read or hear something that resonates with my soul, I send myself an email with key words. At the end of the day, I start a post with those phrases...sometimes it turns into something I can post...many other times it just doesn't, so I save it as a draft. I currently have 16 partially written posts in my drafts folder! SIXTEEN!!! Each night when I sit down to write I end up overwhelmed, like a mother of multiples when all the babies are crying, which one do I attend to first??
I sat down tonight determined to find a way to combine, oh say, a dozen of them into something cohesive--but it would have been a mess. And, frankly, I feel God has laid each thing on my heart and He WILL work it into a post in His time.
(I realize this is probably way more than you need to know about the old blog. Sorry.)
In the meantime, I am going to at least list the links that inspired a few of them. Hopefully that will relieve a bit of the overwhelm that is causing my current state of writer's block.
1. I am on such a Donald Miller kick right now it is downright embarrassing, but God is using that man's words to speak to me where I AM. This recent post, about what integrity really means, summed up a conversation my accountability partner and I have been having for months.
2. This recent post by Al Andrews was a BEAUTIFUL reminder of how humanity can help one another find hope again--through seemingly small acts of kindness, right where we are, wherever that may be. I loved Al's challenge to "live with a generosity of heart."
3. If you are looking for a sermon series to get you through laundry days, I recommend this three part series on the Comparison Trap.
4. If you have a kindle, may I recommend Tim Keller's The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness? This is a 99 cent download that you can read in 30 minutes and meditate on for weeks.It is a short read that packs a powerful punch regarding Gospel centered humility.
Ok...that only cleared a few of my drafts, but you have to start somewhere right?
Hope your brains let you rest a bit more than mine does. :-)
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