Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen quotes from my home in the last 24 hours:
  1. "Mommy, I twy tee-tee hard. Tee-tee hard." ~R
  2. "Hi, sweet gur-rl." ~P, talking to our dog
  3. "Tank you, K. Let's shay-wer." ~P, and that word is 'share' in his Georgia drawl
  4. "Look, Mommy. I monkey." ~K, as she climbs up a tree in my front yard
  5. "P. Watch. I make some-ting." ~K, as she is drawing
  6. "Seb-en. Eight. Ni-en. TEN! Mommy, I count da twees ou-side." ~K
  7. "Oops. I sow-wee, Mommy. 'Cuse me" ~R, as he bumped into my legs in the kitchen
  8. "No! Dat's MIIIIIIIINNNNE!" ~K, R, P, Mommy...take your pick
  9. "See ya lay-der, Mommy." ~R, as he shuts himself into a closet
  10. "I pwouda you." ~P, to Mommy after HE tee-teed on the potty
  11. "I WANT....." ~again, take your pick
  12. "Daddy, work wid da sicka people?" ~R, after looking in the shower for his Daddy
  13. "I lub you." ~Said lots and lots, but always music to my ears


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM EDT

    words to melt your heart. And yes even #8 =))

  2. i love that 2 yr old language...its just so darn cute!

  3. mannnnnn I want to hug them and give em some a dat lovin in Texan!!! They are tooo precious. and look at all the manners there mama has taught them!! You rock.
    My favorite, daddy work wid da sicka people? Priceless!!

  4. SO sweet!
    I love 2 year olds. People always say terrible 2's and yes it has its moments, but I have always found 3 to be more challenging.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM EDT

    That's so sweet! I remember those days....

  6. Anonymous1:57 PM EDT

    Oh gosh, that's so cute...#6 made me laugh out loud.

  7. Anonymous6:55 PM EDT

    ADORABLE! #10 and # 12 are my favorites.

  8. Such sweet babies you have!

  9. Really, really sweet! I miss those toddler talk days- my baby is 4!!

    blessings to you this week,
    Jenny in Ca
    (home is where you start from)


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