Saturday, October 28, 2006

How Things Change

This morning I watched K run around in the 'baker hat' pretending to make cookies. This little cloth bag has become a new favorite dress up item around here. Today I spotted the pricetag still on it from when I purchased it 7 years ago in a trendy store in Atlanta.

The bag was designed to hold 4 precious matching cloth placemats. I am not sure what I thought I was going to do with it when I bought it...but it was marked down from $36 to $ I snatched up a great bargain on something trendy and stuck it in a closet. I can ASSURE you as the single, Atlanta career girl I was in those days, I never dreamed it would find its purpose as a baker's hat on my toddlers' heads...yet it is clearly getting more use and bringing much more happiness than it ever would have merely holding pretty placemats.

There is such a deeper message here about discovering our purposes. Frequently, they are not at all what we thought they would be--but what JOY is found in purpose being fulfilled!

One of the things I really want to instill in our children is that they have been "packed on purpose and with a purpose" as author Max Lucado says. These early years are about discovering what their unique set of strengths bring to the world and helping them understand their responsibility to use those gifts to the glory of God.

1 comment:

  1. Mercy, you are sooo correct. What a service if our children can grasp this concept young, unlike myself, who at 30(in January) is still dicovering that talent and ability to use for my purpose.


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