As I was bringing the children home from Mothers Morning Out this afternoon, I noticed cars were slamming on brakes on a very busy road because of something in the street. As I got closer I saw it was two adorable small dogs playing in the middle of this highly travelled, dangerous road. The dogs had no identification whatsoever, but because I knew leaving them was a death sentence I picked them up. There is a neighborhood a stone's throw away it seemed fairly obvious they had wandered away from. The kids squealed with delight that these two little dogs were suddenly in our car. Since every episode of Dora or Diego seems to be about reuniting an animal with its Mommy, I knew the trio would love this little adventure.

We wandered around the neighborhood knocking on doors for several minutes. Only one person was home in the 5 houses I approached, and he had no clue as to the identity of the dogs. So, with naps way overdue, I brought the dogs home with us.

I have called Animal Control to see if anyone has reported the dogs missing...and they have not. I have printed flyers, but have to wait until the children wake from their naps to go put them out. In the meantime, I have 2 adorable dogs (who are certainly being missed by someone right now) locked in my bathroom to protect them from our Lab.

I am really hoping their owner claims them and quickly, because I do not want my children to get attached!
And, honey, if you happen to read this between cases, don't worry...they are not staying! :-)
Just stumbled across this blog. I love your kids sweaters in the pics below! KRaP! Those are my initials too. Too funny!
after seeing those pictures, i think there are two new additions to your family. congrats!
How cute! Looks like the kids would love it if they stayed.
Never a dull moment!
I don't see Parker in these pictures... is he as much of a dog fanatic as these two are?! Because if SO, you're gonna have an interesting time giving these dogs back to their owner! :)
p.s. and I think it's AWESOME that you rescued them.... you're a woman after my own heart!
Hooray to the power of blogging! Despite the fact that I called the Humane Society, Animal Control, local vets and put out flyers, someone who lives in my town saw the blog and called to let me know whose they were...and I know them! Small town livin' definitely has its perks.
Oh my goodness, they are just having a GREAT time! You're such a mean mommy to not keep them...ha ha! You did the right thing. You're such a good neighbor! Glad you found the owners!
I can just feel their excitement as I look as those precious grins.
Thank the Lord, literally, you found the owners. Everyone else would likely have begging to have them stay. Except your husband. Husbands are rarely so enamored with quick acquisition of stray pets. I'd like to volunteer at our local humane society, to walk, bathe, etc. the countless animals. My husband hesitates because he knows I'll likely bring home one or two...
We found a dog a couple weeks ago and took it home. It lived with us for 3 days until we finally found the owner. They gave us a $50 check when we returned her. It was actually really nice of them!
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