Friday, August 11, 2006

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

Yesterday one of my dearest friends from the "college era" came over from Birmingham to visit. Her son, Noah, is 5 months younger than our children. We had a great time playing together--and we did NOT plan that he would be wearing the same shirt as my boys in a different color...Honestly!

Anyway, I LOVE knowing that my children are growing up knowing my dear friends' children, too. This may seem unremarkable if you have always lived in the same place, but by virtue of my hubby's medical training, we have lived in 3 cities in 5 years. We now live where we plan to grow old, but have no family here. Our community has been incredibly welcoming and we have established some wonderful "new" friendships. What a blessing to have a life filled with friends from all the stages of your life!

*The picture at the top was when we met Noah for the first time almost 2 years ago*


  1. As my dh is a veteran of corporate America's idea that you must transer every 18 months we can so relate. We have been married 18 years (in December) and have owned 6 homes and lived in 11 different cities (4 different states!)...Oh, my it even sounds horrid to my ears. We haven't ever had the luxury of grandma down the street and I have, at times, battled grandma envy and knew my friends that had that luxury truly didn't appreciate what they had LOL. I think* (learned never to say never) are here to stay and we have owned this house as long as any of the others! The up side is that we have so many wonderful friends all over the country that our lives were made richer by. I do miss what others who are "from around here" seem to have but know with time we will have that as well. (((hugs)))

  2. Not to mention the khaki shorts and sandals. Can't help it if you guys just know how to dress those boys so cute - they all look adorable.

    Andi and I are ready for another "voice" post. Anytime you have a spare minute.

  3. You both just have good taste in clothing. What 4 little cuties!

    You and your husband must make up for the distance in family. Your kids look like they are in no way deprived of any love or nurturing.

    (How did you get 4 toddlers to sit still for such a good picture? I need to know your secret)

  4. Teresa- Thanks for your sweet comments. Thankfully, my husband's parents live about and hour & a half away and mine live about 2.5 hours away, so they still see grandparents a couple of times a month...AND we definitely kiss all over them all the time, too! :-)
    As far as getting them to sit for photos 1)They are no strangers to the camera. :-) and 2)They are singing "If you are happy and you know it."

  5. How wonderful to have college friends driving distance away. My dear friends from college are 3 states away ~ not an easy trip with young ones.

    And we're tied with the "3 cities in 5 years." We've been married 5 1/2 years....3 cities later and 4 house later (3 owned and 2 rented). Not a pattern I would like to keep up at all! Glad you have a place up there where you feel settled! And have lots of help. :)


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